Peter Glaesser from Neuhausen, Erzgebirge (Erzmountain) is the manufacturer of large-sized decorative wooden figures. Peter's family has operated a family business creating wooden figures for three generations, since the beginning of the 20th century. Today the company has specialized in the creation of unique and finely crafted large-sized figures. The customer may choose from a selection of designs or provide the company with a pattern of their own. Each figure is then carefully designed and handcrafted. The finely crafted figures are made of high quality spruce wood and range in size from 31.2 inches - 136.5 inches (80 cm - 350 cm). This sets records!
All wooden figures, such as the Nutcracker, Smoking Man (manikin), or Easter figure, are outstanding decorations for displays at gift shops, malls, restaurants and Christmas markets. Also, due to their magnificent craftsmanship and size the figures make a beautiful display throughout the year.
Each figure is crafted with love and tradition and contains the 'Heart Blood' of the Erzmountain folk art.
Peter Gläßer
Großfigurenherstellung Peter Gläßer
Peter Gläßer
Neuwernsdorfer Weg 25
09544 Neuhausen
Tel.: 037361-4135
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